If you don't know where to start here it is!
This bundle can remediate an entire home (with a few exceptions listed and addressed below).
INCLUDES: Home Harmonizer, Device Chip, Better ZZZ's
Includes products to remediate everything coming from outside of the home (4G & 5G satellites & towers, neighbors' Wi-Fi's, Smart Meters, SCADA Poles, etc), "dirty electricity", plus something for one Wi-Fi router and one bed.
NOTE 1: To keep up with this massive increase in man-made radiation we have made the new XL Home Harmonizer vastly stronger than the old one. As of the start of 2020, thousands of 5G satellites were recently added to low orbit which are now spraying 5G down from above.
This is causing EMF's to become a gigantic new challenge to humans to deal with and unfortunately there are more 5G satellites being sent up every week. We are trying to keep up with this EMF assault and suggest you periodically check back to check on our potential new recommendations that will be based on new amounts of radiation, new testing we do, etc.
NOTE 2: You'll need a Booster Box to go along with this bundle (which comes with an XL Home Harmonizer box) if your home is:
- Using Solar Panels
- Within 100 yards of an Cell Tower or SCADA Pole
- Within 25 yards of XL Powerlines or an Electric Transformer (on a pole or especially in a green box on the ground)
- Using a Metal Roof
- Over 4,000 Sq Feet Home
NOTE 3: If you have multiple beds get additional Better ZZZ’s for each. If you have multiple Wi-Fi routers or other major appliances (fan or A/C unit near your bed, or a microwave oven that you use) it’s ideal to get additional Device Chips for $39.95 as needed.
PLEASE READ: You May Detox: About 20 percent of those who remediate their home and their EMF emitting devices (cell phones, laptops, etc) experience a DETOX for a few days or so. Those with current health issues such as auto-immune issues are often the most likely to detox. Although this is a super positive sign of good things it can feel "icky". Please see the Detox Protocol Sheet (for advice on how to minimize or avoid this possibility).
Installing these products can be life changing for you and your family so if you are installing yourself please take a couple of short minutes to watch the Installation Instruction videos below.
(click links to access videos)
STEP 1 of 3: Easy Install for Home Harmonizer Installs in 30 seconds.
NOTE: If your Electric “Smart” Meter does NOT have one or more accessible pipes (coming into or out of the meter box) then see Option #2 – the video instruction below called “EMF Installation Instruction – if no pipe is available".
STEP 2: Install Device Chip on Wi-Fi Device in 10 seconds
STEP 3: Install Better ZZZ's in 10 seconds
STEP 1: OPTION #2 = Installation of Home Harmonizer if NO PIPE IS AVAILABLE
Disclaimer – We recommend using a contractor, handy-man, or licensed professional for this installation. We are NOT responsible for results if you drill into your home. A professional gave us this advice above and we’ve seen numerous clients and licensed professionals BOTH do this with ease and successfully, but we still must say do it yourself at your own risk (since we are not licensed contractors!)
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